Nourish & Thrive throughout your 40s (and beyond!)


It creeps up on us quite quickly doesn’t it. We feel like we are 17 years old and then we suddenly and too quickly realise that we are knocking on the menopausal door, and we are only in our 40s.

The good news is – well done, you have lived almost half a century, a luxury that some unfortunately don’t reach.

The better news – there are daily choices you can make to allow this process to become more smooth.


  • Eat three meals per day, around the same time. Enjoy them, allow yourself time to eat them. Make sure there is adequate protein and an array of colourful fruit and vegetables alongside.

  • Prioritise sleep – sleeping at least 8 hours a night will have many health benefits. There is a reason it’s called beauty sleep!

  • Increase your cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts & bok choy. They really are super-foods.

  • Drink plenty of Fluids. We need to replenish between 1.5-2L of water per day and on that note, decreasing the coffee intake a bit too. It is a stimulant and something the body can become reliant on.

  • Consider switching wheat products to wholemeal and other grains. Wheat consumption is high for most and more often than not it comes processed (and therefore it’s nutrition devalued). A varied diet really is more beneficial as we can access an array of different micronutrients. Modern wheat can be problematic for many and switching to spelt, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, rye and starchy vegetables like sweet potato can be more nutritious.

  • Limit your alcohol - this is a really big one. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can increase oestrogen levels¹, and therefore create an oestrogen “dominance” state. This is something we want to avoid during any age, but especially as we enter through perimenopause. Have a few days in a row where no alcohol us consumed. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

  • Try out some weights. For some women, weight-training can seem a little daunting. But there is countless science now to show how increasing muscle mass has many benefits including increased energy and reducing the chances of age-related diseases₂.

  • Enjoyment. Doing something you love. As a practitioner I see too many women who do everything for everyone else, but little to feed their own souls. Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup, so remember to refill yours first! Whether that means going out for dinner with friends, having a date night at home with your partner, or trying out that new hobby that you’ve been putting off. Go for it!


Rosie Rayner, ND.